Monday, 13 May 2013

Personal Development Portfolio - Reflective Summary

Skills and Research

Throughout the duration of my honours project I have researched into a number of different fields in order to gain the required knowledge and skills to successfully plan and execute my honours project.

As the subject of my project is Sonic Branding, there were a lot of areas that demanded attention. The first of these areas was naturally the use of sound and music in marketing.

There are many different marketing strategies used within this area. One of the most popular methods I researched features the effects of music being targeted at the point of sale in many shopping environments such as shopping centers, restaurants and supermarkets. The music played in these environments is often designed to create a specific mood or atmosphere for the consumer. This specially created ambiance is done so in an attempt to evoke and encourage the consumer purchase intent. Attributes of the music can also contribute towards evoking a sense of comfort within the consumer, which can lead to them staying longer in the store thus creating new opportunities for them to discover a product they wish to purchase. As a result of this research I became acutely aware of this sonic branding strategy in retail environments.
I discovered a significant element involved in the process of creating sonic branding in the form of touch-points. These touch-points are the points of communication between the brand and the consumer. Understanding the power and danger of these touch-points is essential to the success of a brands sonic identity. The main original touch-points available were T.V, radio, materials such as posters and personal interaction. With the emergence of new technologies the amount of available touch-points has increased bringing with them new possibilities for brands to communicate with their consumers. These new touch-points can also present problems for brands. As new technology is evolving and expanding at a fast pace, many brands are struggling to control all aspects of their perception. This is because the new channels are not controlled by the brand nor are the messages they deliver.
Potentially the most important area of music marketing I encountered was the sonic logo. I analysed the success of sonic logos designed by various other brands and drew inspiration for the creation of my own for the IRN-BRU brand. Two of the most inspirational sonic logos I encountered were those of McDonalds and Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola was particularly beneficial as it too was part of the non-alcoholic soft drink industry.
I continued my research by examining aspects of general branding such as brand image, identity and corporate identity. An understanding of branding in general was beneficial when creating a sonic identity to accompany the foundations of branding.
I began to develop a critical framework for the effective creation of sonic branding. I did this by using an exploratory research method to draw inspiration from areas of success with regards to the use of sound and music in media. I determined success factors and refined these factors to contribute towards the specific demands of my project. These areas of success included music in film, advertising and other sonic branding projects. I also examined the use of theoretical factors such as music score, music theory and instrumentation.
One of the most important developments I made was applying the use of semiotics in a sonic capacity. By using semiotic theories, I designed the sonic logo for IRN-BRU to connotatively reflect the history and image of the brand.
I demonstrated practice based research and ability to design a sonic identity in accordance with my critical framework.


I used various different sources to conduct my research into sonic branding. These sources include…

‘An Introduction to Sonic Branding’ by Jackson. D
‘The Music Instinct’ by Ball. P
‘Music, thought and feeling: Understanding the psychology of music’ by Thomson. W.F
‘Music in Advertising: Commercial Sounds in Media Communication and Other Settings’ by The Aalborg University Press
Why brands are like people by Parr. S
Understanding Jingles and Needledrop: A Rhetorical Approach to Music in 
Advertising by Scott. L. M
Music and Advertising. International Journal of Advertising by Dunbar. D. S
Purchase Occasion Influence on the Role of Music in Advertising by Alpert. M. I

Personal Critical Reflection
Reflecting on my development, it is apparent that my progress has been a consistent, slightly turbulent but overall positive process.
Despite finding my area of interest early on, refining this aim was not a one step task. It’s not until after receiving feedback on my research proposal that I managed to finalise my project aim. Even at this point I had not refined the particular aspects of the project.
It was quite late on that I began applying my work to the IRN-BRU brand as I realised the application of sonic branding to a fictitious soft drink had no basis for testing. All of these elements provide evidence to suggest that more preparation would have been beneficial in avoiding such turbulence during a time I should have been focusing on the project.

Time keeping has always been a weakness of mine. This weakness thrived during the first semester and hindered my progress. This is due to the indecisiveness regarding a project aim, which again points towards better preparation being the most important lesson learned here.

For the ‘brand identity’ section of my dissertation, I had hoped to include an interview with Martin Steele, who is the senior brand manager for Barr’s. I tried to contact Mr Steele several times over the phone with not success of getting in touch with him. I eventually acquired his email address and I wrote to him asking for a ten-minute interview. He replied and agreed to meet with me. He asked me for a list of times when I was available. I provided him with these details and he did not respond. I sent a follow up email asking if he was still able to meet with me. Again, there was no response.
I feel that I did everything I could to achieve my goal of interviewing someone directly involved with the brand identity of IRN-BRU. Aside from turning up at his office uninvited, there was nothing more I could do.

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